Practicing Spring


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Blossoms appear in the land. The time of the songbird has arrived. The cooing of the mourning dove is heard in our land.  Song of Songs 2:12 (NOG)

Birds are waking me before four o’clock in the morning these days.  That is 20160419_170734both a happy thing and an annoyance.  Overall I choose gratitude. Especially as I drink my morning coffee while watching those birds chase each other in the mating dance. There are spats between species at the feeders. We see cardinals, house finches, song and chipping sparrows and more.  Of course there are robins searching for their worms. Special favorites, the goldfinches gleam in the sun. A mourning dove sits on the deck rail basking in the sun.


It appears that our attempt at mediating the bird box competition has been successful.  The chickadees go in and out of their box frequently, carrying unidentifiable bits of things in their beaks.  The bluebirds visit the new house.  The cowbirds seem not to appreciate the new feed we put out.  We see them less often.

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During the day the warm temperatures and sunshine lift my spirits.  Flowers are bursting into bloom. Ornamental trees freckle the neighborhood.  A redbud we planted last spring is about to bloom for the first time.  Tulips hold a unique romance for me.  This year they are abundant.


We’re developing a habit of evening walks in the new wetland park at the lower side of the neighborhood.  They’ve put in boardwalks and native trees.  There is a huge ancient oak that the children try to climb. Peepers sing 20160419_112733loudly and then suddenly silence when our steps draw near.


So Spring has finally come!  It will only last a few weeks.  I intend to savor every bit of it.


Sometimes our practices come in seasons. Lent was a season of challenge and waiting.  Easter found me still waiting.  Now sitting in silence, dog at my feet, watching the birds and flowers while drinking in the sunshine has become a spiritual practice for me.  The Creator speaks to me through creation.

Listen!  Do you see it?

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